Animation Nodes showreel 2016

Animation Nodes showreel

Jacques Lucke: A bit more than two years ago I started working on Animation Nodes. Since then the project became bigger and bigger. Now I’m proud to present to you the new showreel which contains some of the best animations of the last two years which were done with Animation Nodes.

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Contributers (in order or appearance):

Countdown: Leon Cheung
Honey Swarm: Admiral Potato
Icosphere: Jorge Losilla
Adlense Ad: Karlis Stigis
Architectural Animation: Leon Cheung
Chocolate Hearts: Admiral Potato
Candy Links: Admiral Potato
Hella Hearts: Admiral Potato
Connected: Mauro Pfister
Timefusion Watch: Peter Baintner
-no name-: Alessandro Dalla Fontana
-no name- : Karlis Stigis
Growing things along curves: Jorge Losilla
The Core: Jorge Losilla
-no name-: Zaur Bekulov
Hexagonal Hard Candy: Admiral Potato
Metal Brick Wave: Admiral Potato
ONELVXE Material Pipeline Teaser: Jared Webber
Metal Eyes: Admiral Potato
-no name-: Zaur Bekulov
CrusaderArts Red Room Tribute: Admiral Potato
-no name-: Thomas Volkmann
Red Polygons: Jorge Losilla
-no name-: Alessandro Dalla Fontana
Soundstage: Jared Webber
-no name-: Jorge Losilla
Recursive Trefoil Knot: Admiral Potato
Abstract Hair: Bartosz Styperek
AN Intro: BlenderDiplom
Credits Background: Serj Maiorov

Animation Nodes is a node based visual scripting system designed for motion graphics in Blender. Download the latest version from the Animation Nodes website.

  • GitHub Issues – A place where you can report bugs, suggest features, ask for help, and have general discussions about Anim’n Nodes.
  • Stack Exchange – A place where you can browse, read, and ask questions related to Anim’n Nodes using the anim'n-nodes tag.
  • Blender Artists Thread – A place where you can share your work, ask questions, and have general discussion about Anim’n Nodes.

Also many thanks to RenderStreet who allowed me to render some of the shots for the Reel on their renderfarm for free!

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